The Solution

"This is a hard teaching, who can accept this." Believing in the Real Presence of Our Eucharistic Lord is one thing... but actually taking responsibility in this belief is next level. Many Catholics, will see this as folly, something insignificant, but it is still the truth - A tiny insignificant particle on the floor is still Jesus on the floor. The same Real Presence on the altar, is the same Real Presence on the floor, which we trample on.

The following steps may seem simple... But are you willing to do whatever it takes?

Step 1 - Accept the truth that Jesus is trampled on.
Step 2 - End the "acceptable collateral damage" on Our Eucharistic Lord.
Step 3 - Return to Tradition and receive Our Eucharistic Lord in a worthily manner.
Step 4 - Get to Confession - Don't trample on the Lord again.

Step 1 - Accept the truth that Jesus is trample on.
The Truth:

  • ​​The Eucharist is the body and blood of Christ. (Catholic dogma)

  • Every particle that breaks off the Eucharist is the full Christ. (Catholic dogma)

  • Receiving Holy Communion in the hand, leads to Eucharistic particles falling on the floor. (Reasoning)

  • Christ is trampled on. (Reasoning)

The F
alsities and Excuses (examples):

  • Refusing to accept that Eucharistic particles fall to the floor. False - Self-deception.

  • The particles that we cannot recognise (that look like dust) are no longer Jesus. False, it's Dogma.

  • Jesus doesn't care if we trample on Him. False - This is receiving Our Lord in an unworthily manner.

  • We celebrate Mass reverently - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • Receiving Communion reverently on the hand or the tongue while kneeling - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • Checking your hands after Communion for particles, while others do not - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • "It's not my fault" line - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • "But I'm doing good works" - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • "I love my daily Mass and Adoration." - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • "My parish priest is very good." - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • "I really want to receive Communion." - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

  • And most common "The Church (the Modernists) allows us to receive Communion in the hand" - Yet still trampling on our Lord.

All these examples contributes to an attitude that Our Eucharistic Lord is "acceptable collateral damage" to how we worship Him.
The way we want to worship God - Communion in the hand, is more important than God Himself. Stepping on God has become acceptable to the many. Yet to the few, they see the truth, and they will say this is unacceptable.

Step 2 - End the "acceptable collateral damage" on Our Eucharistic Lord.
Make the decision to end the acceptable collateral damage on our Lord. Stop stepping into a church that offers Communion in the hand.

As long as you are in a church that offers Communion it the hand, it's inevitable to trample on our Lord, yet this can be avoided. The choice here is how seriously are you willing to take on this responsibility of receiving our Lord reverently. Are you willing to take on the burden to stop treating our Lord as acceptable collateral damage?

The Transition - Truth Working Within:
Truth works in the believer, some slow, some fast. Keep praying to God, ask Him what you should do, and that you will promise to do it. At some time you will reach a turning point and start to realise that Jesus is truly being trampled on and that you can no longer bear to step in a church that allows Communion in the hand. You can not longer bear to be trampling on Jesus.

The R
Expect your family and
friends and parishioners ridicule you on what you know is true. Most know this too, but will not accept the responsibility of the Gift that is given to us.
They will call you crazy, and ridiculous for making a big deal out of something so small. Trampling on our Lord is a big deal!

Step 3 - Return to Tradition and Receive Our Eucharistic Lord in a worthily manner.
To receive Our Eucharistic Lord in a worthily manner, plan your exit out of the Novus Ordo (NO) parish and find a traditional chapel/parish, where only the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) is exclusively offered in that chapel/parish (not a combination of NO Mass and TLM). The TLM exclusively offers Communion on the tongue, and the Communion plate is used to prevent particles from falling to the floor.

If you don't love tradition, love Jesus enough to do the right thing and not step on Him. You may have heard, "tradition is the answer", "tradition will triumph" or more biblically "hold to your traditions." This is not about the love for Tradition or the Traditional Latin Mass... but the undeniable truth leads us to the undeniable Catholic tradition.

The Difficulty and Commitment:
The problem is the TLM parishes are few and far in between. You are be blessed if you live close to one. Yet traditional Catholics who live far away, still make the commitment to travel many hours to go to Sunday Mass.

Sunday Obligation:
What happens if you can’t get to a Traditional Latin Mass? Being unable to get to Mass is mostly relative to distance, but it is really also how much you want not to trample on Jesus. Is 1 hour away too much, 2, 3, 4, 5? What is meeting your Sunday Obligation to you; traveling really long distances for a reverent Mass and receiving Our Lord worthily, or going to the local NO parish and trampling on Jesus?

If you truly can't get to Mass, what did Catholics do in times of emergency, what did they do during times of war, or in times of pandemics, or being too sick to get to Mass. Catholics did get by without going to Mass, and they did whatever they could to keep their Sundays holy. By praying the Rosary, reading Holy Scripture, and doing penance. Some traditional Catholics in isolated areas, are only offered monthly Masses of longer, from a visiting traditional priest. Are they doing to be punished for that?

Love of Daily Mass:
What happens if you love going to daily Mass and can only go to the NO parish? Our love for daily Mass should be focus on reverent worship. Going to daily Mass, does not justify treading on Jesus daily, or even just once! Receiving Our Lord in a worthily manner is just and pleasing to God.

Traditional priestly groups:
Please note not all traditional priestly groups are inside the Church (they have their own pen) because they don’t acknowledge the pope (Sedevacantism).

Some inside the Church are traditional diocesan priests. They celebrate the TLM but within a NO parish. The point is not to go to any NO church that offer Masses with Communion in the hand, even though some TLM is celebrated there.. So do your research.

The two main traditional priestly groups inside the Church are, the
Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP - Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri) and the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX).

The FSSP is the “approved” traditional group by the modernists, who are the current majority in the Church, not the traditionalists. The FSSP do celebrate the TLM but with strings attached with the Modernists. The FSSP role is to basically stop conservative Catholics from going over to the SSPX, to act as a buffer. The FSSP supports Tradition, but they also support the Novus Ordor Mass (New Mass). Meaning they can’t talk about the dangers of attending the NO. So if you were to speak to them about wanting to attend the TLM but find it difficult to get to their Mass. They will tell you it’s ok to attend the NO, in others words (which they will not say on record), Jesus is an acceptable collateral damage – it’s the "not your fault" line. (Still trampling on Jesus.)

The SSPX are considered as rebels for resisting Modernism, for refusing to have strings attached to the Modernist agenda.
So if you were to speak to them about wanting to attend the TLM but find it difficult to get to their Mass. They will tell you to do your best to attend the TLM, but they will not recommend you going to the NO Mass. Their line is "it's dangerous" and it is true, it weakens your faith due to the Modernist Agenda, and of course trampling on our Lord is the direct result of that... This is a hard truth.

Please note: There will be Traditional Catholics who would love to debate which group is the just traditional group. This movement is to encourage Catholics to end the trampling on of Our Eucharistic Lord. Catholics new to tradition can decide for themselves.

Going to a Traditional Latin Mass:
Choose a Low Mass first, instead of a Sung Mass\High Mass. The Low Mass is mostly silent, you might not understand what is happening, but this silence give you peace and time to pray and still assist in the Mass. Wear your Sunday best and dress modestly if not already, because you know God is worth every big or small effort you put in, so show your reverence to God.

How to follow the Traditional Latin Mass with an online Missal:
It's actually much more easy to follow the Mass with an online Missal. The steps and prayers are set in order for each day of the Mass. You do not need to flip pages back and forth to follow the Mass (however it's not as flexible as a Missal handbook). The following site is recommended: Divinum Officium.

Getting a Catholic Roman Missal:
Getting a missal is an investment so take your time to research and choose the one that you like.
One good option would be the Saint Andrew Daily Missal. If you can follow the online missal, you will work out how to follow the book missal.
(More details will be place here.)

Online Mass with Instructions and prayers:
Here are online Masses from the SSPX YouTube Channel. You can follow to understand the Mass better. It's like having the Mass with the online Missal in one.

Wearing the Veil:
Ladies, please dress modestly, long skirt/dress, and veil in regards to following tradition... Examples can be found at Catholic Style.

Step 4 - Get to Confession - Don't trample on the Lord again.
If you were to step on someone unintentionally, would you say sorry? If course you would, so why would you not for God.

Now that you are with a traditional chapel/parish get to Confession there. Confess what you have unintentionally done; that you are sorry for this and will not do it again.
This is your opportunity to say you are sorry to God and He will give forgive you. From this point, make the resolution to not trample on the Lord again. Stay out of the NO church.

Please note: The priest would likely not expect this kind of Confession... Don't expect him to talk about it, it's controversial. He will likely move on to your other sins. As long as you are sorry for you sins, he will forgive you and that's all that matters. The more Catholics returning to tradition and confessing this sin, the priests will be more accustom to this. Furthermore the traditional priests wouldn't be complaining that a sheep has found the way home.

Looking to the Future:
Do whatever you need to do, to stop trampling on the Lord. If we have faith, we must have truth. Our Eucharistic Lord cannot be treated as, acceptable collateral damage.

Return to tradition, return the Traditional Latin Mass. Tradition will triumph because it is the future. The future is not won by a majority - one that is worldly. It is won with truth - one supernatural Truth. When we hold our future to the Truth, we become traditionalists, we come Traditional Catholics.

Let us help
our brothers and sisters in Christ, find the way home. Let us welcome them home.
Truth working within.

"This is not about the love for tradition or the Traditional Latin Mass... but the undeniable Truth leads us to the undeniable Catholic tradition."